Message from the Interim Chief Executive Officer

Tammy Hawkins,
Interim Chief Executive Officer

As we reflect on the past year, I am proud to report that despite the many changes and challenges our organization has faced, we have remained strong together.

Our dedicated staff and valued partners have shown unwavering commitment to improving safety outcomes in Alberta’s construction industry, resulting in our having much to celebrate.

This past year has brought about significant internal and external changes. Within, we saw the departure of our longstanding Chief Executive Officer. Without, we saw economic uncertainty, but also thankfully, a further re-opening of our province and industry.

Despite these uncertain times, ACSA adapted to the changes and came together to continue providing our members and industry with the highest level of service and support they’ve come to expect.

We were thrilled to fully open our doors once again for in-person learning and to deliver training at your workplaces through instruction by request. We added four courses to our virtual instructor-led training lineup and hit a new record of 20,000 registrations in virtual classrooms in one year. ACSA also kept Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) 2020 available at no cost and have added an additional three modules.

In our certification programs, we are proud of the dedication of our 4,538 Certificate of Recognition (COR) holders and Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) holders. We applaud you and recognize that maintaining a strong and effective health and safety management system is no small feat, and creates a strong foundation to keep our construction workers safe on and off the job.

In 2022, ACSA supported 431 safety leaders in achieving their Health and Safety Administrator (HSA) or National Construction Safety Officer (NSCO) designations. Congratulations! We salute your leadership and chosen career path, which will make a heroic difference to so many. Your support team is always available here.

While we celebrate the many accomplishments within the industry and within ACSA, we know that we have much more work to do.

We remain resolute in our commitment and drive to prevent construction injuries. This only works as a collective effort with every one of us united in our efforts.

Let us be even bolder and more creative as we go into 2023.

Let’s seek new approaches and dig deep for true, outstanding, far-reaching, and practicable solutions that will make the biggest impact in our industry.

Thank you to each of you for your outstanding commitment to keeping our workers safe and to our vision of Lives lived safely.

Thank you to our dedicated Board of Directors, Regional Safety Committee members, and all stakeholders who stand with us in improving health and safety in our province.

Lastly, but never least, thank you to our devoted ACSA staff whose extraordinary efforts in instantly shifting our offerings allowed us to continue to provide resources to our courageous essential service industry. We pride ourselves on your hard work and dedication and your creative solutions. As always, I am humbled to work alongside you.