Priority 2: Enhanced Member Services

Delivering exceptional value through our programs and services

ACSA seeks to deliver exceptional value to our membership. By thinking critically and adopting creative approaches, we strive to lead the market in the quality of our training, programs and services, and in tackling deeply entrenched barriers to construction safety. Our efforts prioritize helpfulness, inclusivity and accessibility to improve construction safety outcomes.

Below, you will find insights and initiatives related to ACSA training, auditing programs, designation programs, and communications with members and stakeholders.

Training Insights and Initiatives

Three-year trending of participation in ACSA’s courses:

vILT/ILT and on-demand total number

No Data Found

CSTS total number

No Data Found

Total in 2022, including in-person, virtual instructor-led, on demand and Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) 2020

Satisfaction with ACSA’s courses:

90.2 %
of course participants are likely or very likely to recommend ACSA training to a peer

Key Initiatives

Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) 2020:

A general construction site orientation for new or returning workers, provided without charge in 2022 to 267,977 registrants. In 2022, ACSA added three new add-on modules.

In-person classes:

Certain in-person classes resumed in June. Plus, ACSA delivered 22 sessions as instruction by request.

Virtual instructor-led training (vILT):

vILT continues to grow in popularity. In 2022, ACSA delivered more vILT courses compared to previous years and added four new courses. ACSA reached a new milestone of 20,000 registrations for vILT courses in one year.

Online, on-demand training and resources:

ACSA grew on-demand course offerings by four. In 2022, the most-accessed resources were the Alberta OHS Act, Regulations and Code Handbook, hazard assessments and daily logbooks.

Auditing Program Insights and Initiatives

Three-year trending of certificate holders with ACSA:

Total number (2020-2022)

No Data Found

Amount of member refunds (from Partnerships in Injury Reduction program, 2021):
$ 30365421
in PIR refunds to ACSA members (2021)

Key Initiatives

Partnership in Injury Reduction (PIR):

In 2022, 4,600 ACSA member companies benefited from $30,365,421 in PIR refunds (45.6 per cent of the total WCB-Alberta payout).

COR and SECOR audits:

ACSA received 5,723 COR and SECOR audit submissions in 2022. We supported member employers in completing their external recertification audits, internal maintenance audits, action plans, and auditor self-audits. ACSA also supported 172 employers without their COR or SECOR in building their health and safety management systems.

COR and SECOR process updates:

Legislative changes took effect in December 2021, requiring changes to ACSA’s COR audit program and SECOR evaluation process and tools. ACSA used this as an opportunity to gather feedback from SECOR program stakeholders.

Designation Program Insights and Initiatives

Three-year trending of participation in ACSA’s designation programs:

Designations by ACSA (2020-2022)

No Data Found

Satisfaction with ACSA’s designation programs:

98.5 %

of HSA or NCSO™ designation holders rate ACSA’s program as good, great or excellent

Key Initiatives

National validation list:

Employers can verify the status of safety designations, which will help to decrease the use of fraudulent certificates.

Health and Safety Administrators (HSA):

ACSA had 240 new HSA designations in 2022, which was twice as many compared to 2021 and an all-time high. Since 2006, ACSA has issued 3,916 HSA designations.

National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO):

Last year, ASCA issued 191 NCSO certificates. ACSA’s NCSO exam was updated to be consistent with that used by all participating members of the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA). Last year, ACSA launched an introductory video, which received more than 1,800 views on YouTube.

Communication Insights and Initiatives

Participation growth in ACSA’s communication vehicles:
website page views

In 2022, views increased by 2.9%

newsletter subscribers

Nearly 11,000 more subscribers, with 28.6% open rate (compared to 21.8% in construction industry)

7.5 %
average follower growth on all social platforms

Follower interactions increased by 17.2%

Key Initiatives

Webinars on timely topics:

In fall, ACSA hosted three webinars for COR holders and two webinars for SECOR holders. These webinars provided overviews of changes to the 2023 COR audit instrument and the new 2023 SECOR evaluation. Both take effect on January 1, 2023.