Strategy Overview

Guided by our vision, ACSA’s strategic plan directs our energy, resources and creativity toward deepening our impact in the construction industry and for the thousands of Albertans employed in the construction trades.


  1. Stakeholder focus:
    Seeking first to understand our industry’s needs, concerns and interests
  2. Enhanced member services:
    Delivering exceptional value through our programs and services
  3. Data informed investments and actions:
    Re-envisioning our opportunities based on data and input
  4. Safety culture leadership:
    Enabling and promoting safe behaviours for the greatest impact


  1. Increase behavioural influence and resource access in common and severe injuries.
  2. Grow our active participation.
  3. People feel empowered to create a safer work environment.

Learn more about our Strategic Outcomes.

Together, these priorities and outcomes help us understand the realities of the industry we serve, how we’re doing and where to shift our attention.